Monday, 12 August 2013


One shocking fact to have emerged
from Lord Patten at his appearance
before a Commons Select Committee
was his disclosure that having
sanctioned the payment of £180,000
to a headhunter to replace Mark
Thompson, the BBC Trust then
appointed the Deputy Director
General, George Entwhistle to the

It is entirely appropriate that the
Metropolitan Police should look
into the obscene amount that he was
paid after his brief and disastrous
tenure, together with the manner in
which eye-watering amounts of
licence-fee money were similarly
squandered on departing senior

This revelation should be viewed
within the context of the deteriorating
quality of programmes. It should also
be considered against the background
that, in the past year alone, some three
thousand people a week are reported
to have come before the courts for the
non-payment of the TV licence fee.

The penalty can be a fine of £1,000 and
possibly imprisonment. Some will, of
course, refuse to pay because they feel
that the BBC is merely the propaganda
arm of the Labour Party and some will
simply not have the money. Then there
will be those who look at the TV
schedules - eighteen repeats today alone
- and come to the conclusion that the
£3.56bn the BBC receives annually
from the licence fee represents
increasingly poor value for money.

We need only look at the still unfolding
Savile scandal to realise that the
corporation's travails are a powerful
metaphor for incompetence, profligacy,
corruption and worse. It is a great
institution that has lost its way.

The BBC appears to have all but
abandoned its role, as Lord Reith
intended :an impartial public-service
broadcaster, educating and enriching
the fabric of our changing society.
Instead, it has become a number of
disfunctional and unaccountable
fiefdoms, contemptuous of any
criticism with regard to how it spends
public money in competing with the
commercial media in a pointless
ratings' war.

The recent appointment from a
shortlist of one of former Labour
cabinet minister, James Purnell, as
head of digital and strategy,
underlines the BBC's admitted
left-wing bias. Westminster watchers
will remember that he was
responsible for Labour's last
election campaign. His undoubted
talents will, no doubt, be used in
attempting to secure victory for Ed
Miliband in 2015.

Mr Purnell's annual salary of
£295,000 will come from the BBC's
compulsory levy on over two
thousand licence-fee payers. This
does not take into account a
generous, two-year salary pay-off,
should he decide to leave for
whatever reason.

As we have seen from other
examples, this is only the tip of the
iceberg with the upper echelons of
a self-serving senior management
safeguarding its own interests, not
those of the licence-fee paying public.





Sunday, 4 August 2013


Baroness Lane-Fox, the new recruit to
the House of Lords, is right to fear that
the focus on Twitter is diverting
attention away from violence against

However, in focusing on the effect of
aggression by some men against women
- the baroness does not mention that
twenty per-cent of domestic violence
is committed by women - she ignores
probable cause: growing male
emasculation and frustration.    

Feminism has and continues to re-define
the identities of young, mainly working-
class men. In doing so, middle-class
followers of the feminist movement
have successfully skewed society to
reflect their own, continuing, anti-male
agenda. Endemic since the 1980s, it is
a process that has been given added
impetus by accelerating economic
and social change. It has happened at
a time when Britain has been
transformed from an industrial to
a mainly service economy, where
different, 'soft' skills are in increasing

The result has been the greater
empowerment of women in the
workplace over the past fifty years.
They have benefited from improved
educational opportunities and the
ability to control their fertility. It has
meant growing financial independence
from men, not only for those in work,
but also for young, single mothers who
have been prioritised for housing and
receive attractive state benefits.

Along with this has been the changing
perception of what is meant by a
nuclear family. It is a complex and
fluid picture. Marriage continues
to decline with 42% of marriages
ending in divorce.

Serial monogamy and cohabitation
between single-sex couples are
common. Gone is much of the
stability and certainty of family life
in the 1950s.

In its place are more fragmented
environments, often devoid of the
influence of paternal role models,
which are so important in the
development of the male identity.

Feminist opinion-formers in
politics, education, the law and
especially in the media are not
seeking a comapact between the
sexes, but female preferment, in
the form of positive discrimination.

The impact of the corrosive influence
that the feminist lobby has had on
female attitudes to men has been

In education, where only 12% of
primary school teachers are male,
the predominantly female culture
cannot, nor in many cases would
it seek to, encourage the
development of the male identity
as such.

Female characteristics are seen as
good, male as bad. Many male
graduates are put off teaching
by the threat of being falsely
accused of improper behaviour,
the consequences of which are
often devastating.

Gender bias continues into
secondary education. Some ten
years' ago, Jenny Murray, presenter
of the BBC Woman's Hour, asked
a guest why boys outperformed girls
in GCSEs. She was told that boys
responded better to the pressure of
an examination, whereas girls
preferred coursework.

Murray's reply was that if that was
the system, then change it. It was
and the result of less rigour has
undermined the credibility of the
examination system in schools and
further up the learning process in
higher education.

This creates the backgound for the
the root causes of many of the
chronic social problems relating to
young men. They leave school with
inferior qualifications, poorer job
prospects and face unemployment.
Dismissed as potential husbands,
fathers and providers by young
women who are supported by the
state, they feel unwanted and
express growing anger.

Greater tolerance in society for
generalised 'men are useless'
statements, jokes, advertisements
and so on, than would be used to
refer to any other group, reflects a
situation for which there is an
increasing human and economic

Of course, men who violate
women in this way should be
pursued and punished.However,
at the same time, discounting
original sin, we should question
the consequences of the
defenestration of the male of 
the species.