Friday, 31 May 2013


Age shall not wither her, nor stain her infinite variety.  
Queen Elizabeth celebrates the
sixtieth anniversary of her coronation
on 6th June. Her matchless performance 
of selfless dedication to the nation are
indeed a reminder of the value of the
hereditary principle.

In these troubled times, the Queen
symbolises the value of continuity
provided by a constitutional monarchy,
untainted by the rough trade of politics.

Since the time of Magna Carta, the
paradox of our royal dynasty co-existing
with the progressive, democratic rights
of man has always defied rationality.

However, what is clear to everyone,
except the republicans, is that the
monarchy is a unifying influence,
promoting harmony in our complex,
multi-cultural communities, which
reflect the global reach of Britain's
imperial past.

We gain immeasurably from an
unpoliticised head of state.Those who
say otherwise should be careful of
what they wish for.

Queen Elizabeth: age shall not
wither her, nor stain her infinite

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