Saturday, 23 April 2016

Lame Duck President Tells Britain What To Do

President Obama's inappropriate intervention in exerting pressure on Briton to stay in
the EU, does nothing to strengthen the case for doing so. Indeed, what would be
the response of the US if, in the unlikely event, the UK attempted to influence
its foreign policy?

A free-enterprise economy operating in an open, representative democracy
led to the rise of the United States as the pre-eminent global power. It has
underpinned the defence and economies of Western countries since the
Second World War.

These values represent everything that the EU is not. Its Commission, far
from representing the will of the people, represents an unelected and
unaccountable elite. Jean Monet, a founding father of the
EU, planned the deceit which has been visited on the peoples of Europe:
"European nations should be guided towards being a superstate, without
understanding what is happening".

The introduction of the flawed single currency, the monumentally wasteful
Common Agricultural Policy, large unaudited capital transfers to the 26
largely net recipient countries, funded by Germany and the UK (on borrowed
money), are manifestly socialist and antithetical to the free-market principles
the US has always stood for.

With 7% of the world's population, 25% of its GDP but 50% of global spending
on welfare and the unrelenting tide of immigrants, time for the EU is indeed running
out. In the absence of fundamental structural economic and political reform,
yet more quantitative easing by the ECB cannot delay for much longer the
inevitable Implosion of the entire EU project. Is this what President Obama
wants the UK locked into? We must resist President Obama's invitation to "outsize" 
our influence with the US, since it is based on the false premise of an imagined special relationship
relationship which is, in reality, its own national self-interest.

Sent from my iPad

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