The new series of The Apprentice is
likely to feed into yet another, somewhat
depressing picture of Lord Sugar's
take on
what it
takes to become a successful
entrepreneur. It reflects the past, rather
than the future.
As usual, the series will be reality
television dressed up as a master class in
wealth creation in mainly
retail sales
environments. The programme will
feature often delusional, egocentric
contestants and prima-donnas, who
seem possessed of a desire for celebrity
a highly
charged and combative
Lord Sugar sets his contestants tasks that
reflect not a
vision of a future
in which our
performance in
world markets
and economy
will depend
on creating and
developing new
technologies.Tnstead ,they will reflect more
rudimentary business concepts,
in his past as an electrical goods trader.
Times have moved on
and we should inspire
our young men and
women to look beyond
Lord Sugar's world. The urgent need now,
as never before, is
for high-end design and
manufacture to take centre stage.
Dyson is the kind of role model we need to
to motivate our talented young graduates to
lead a renaissance in making and selling
innovative products to global markets.