Wednesday, 17 April 2013


The Obama Administration's recent untimely
intervention over Britain's future membership
of the EU may indicate an ideological turning 
point in re-framing America's relationship
with the EU. 
A free enterprise economy operating in an
open, representative democracy led to the
rise of the United Sates as the pre-eminent
global power. It has underpinned the defence
and economies of western countries since
the Second World War.

These values are everything that the EU is
not. Its Commission, far from reflecting the
will of the people, represents an unelected
and unaccountable elite.The introduction
of the flawed single currency, the
monumentally wasteful Common
Agricultural Policy, largely unaudited
capital transfers to the twenty-five
recipient countries, funded by Germany
and the UK, are manifestly antithetical to
that for which what the US has always stood.

However, in warning the UK against leaving
the EU, perhaps the US Assistant Secretary
of State for Europe and Eurasia reflects a
possible drift of the US Government into the
kind of EU mindset, which US Republicans
fear. For economic and other reasons,
President Obama may have come into line
the with the social, political and economic
values of the US's largest trading partner,
using its 'special relationship' with the UK
as a convenient means to an end.
This is not without its risks. With almost all
western economies flatlining, how long before
the EU Commission begins to insinuate its
social objectives into US policy as a quid
pro quo for trade, with predictable economic
and geo-political consequences?


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