Wednesday, 10 April 2013


History's verdict on David Cameron and George Osborne will
not rest on performing whatever economic contortions that are
necessary in order to save Conservative skins at the 2015
election. The country's dire economic state and its democratic
future demand that the Prime Minister and Chancellor act as
statesmen rather than politicians and look beyond the
electoral fate of their party to the spiralling debt that will be
the inheritance of our children and those yet unborn.
The Government should not be concerned about political
unpopularity and address our rapidly deteriorating economic
situation. It is one where tax revenues are declining by 7%
annually but social spending continues to grow by 8%, funded
by slashing capital investment and increased borrowing, which,
according to the Treasury, will raise the national debt by 40%
by 2016. This is a level at which no government will be able to
fund its budget deficit, as the international bond markets take
Voters must be disabused of the notion that we can grow our
way out the problem when the economy, together with the
economies of our main trading partners is, at best, flatlining,
with little prospect of any medium-term improvement.
The Prime Minister and Chancellor must have the courage
to take the tough choices needed to bring the economy back
into equilibrium. This can achieved by cutting the size of the
state, accelerating supply-side reforms, switching current
spending to capital investment, in order to create more jobs
and the introduction of a flat tax.
Continuing with the status quo, hands tied by a
disproportionally influential junior coalition partner, will
inevitably result electoral defeat. Doing what is right for
Britain just might produce a different outcome.

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